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Google Apps is no longer free!

I’ve been using Google apps standard edition for small businesses since the past 8 years. It was a real boon for small …


Anti-virus for a Mac: To use or not to use.

Every time a new virus or malware is found, Apple usually provides a solution in the form of a OS update or a security update. If the Mac OS is being regularly updated, there is no need of an antivirus. I would prefer Apple’s updates any day over installing an antivirus, which, besides slowing down the system, creates more security holes and also consumes bandwidth. I don’t use an anti-virus.

Gmail box full ! Now what ?

Well, a 7 GB mail box is not enough for some people. My official email ID on Gmail (Google Apps) became full …

Why Apple beats Dell

I’ve had the experience in dealing with computer hardware for 15 years now.In these years, I’ve used, sold, recommended and experienced the …